Our work as facilitators included the organising and facilitating of the following workshops:
A workshop to explore place branding to promote cities as ‘playful cities’ took place during the transnational meeting of the Playful Paradigm Network in Udine, Italy on 24th May 2019. Participants from eight cities across Europe gained insights how a clearly defined and supported city place brand informs and directs a range of creative branding activities.
Workshops on participatory placemaking where participants explore core tools that help them to take on the challenge making public spaces into places which people enjoy using regularly and with a range of activities and amenity that enhance the quality of life in a neighbourhood. These workshops were held in the neighbourhood of Őrmező in Budapest, Hungary on 5 May 2019 as part of the Come In! Network’s transnational meeting; in the old town of Zadar, Croatia on 26 April 2019 during the international ‘Merging the Split’ Conference on Integrated Urban Development; and in the Campo Mártires da Pátria, Lisbon, Portugal on 13 September 2018 during the URBACT European City Festival.
A workshop on urban mobility held on 17 June 2017 in Pécs, Hungary as part of the transnational meeting of the RetaiLink Project, specifically to assist participants from ten cities in Europe to explore the effect and influence of urban mobility on retail in their city centres.